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Requisition Header Information

The requisition screen is used for store purchases (denoted S), purchasing through the buyer (denoted P) and for travel approval (denoted T). On this page the header material is explained. 

Requisitioner (STP): This is the person the goods are for. Normally it will be the same as the person filling out the form (requester) and this value is entered by default but it can be changed.  If the requisitioner is different from the requester then workflow will route the requisition to the requisitioner for approval.Requisition Header

Status (STP): The status can be active, parked or closed. A requisition saved in the active state will enter workflow for approval and a soft commitment created. Parked is the default and a parked requisition can be save without creating a commitment or generating workflow. The closed status is for a requisition where the goods are no longer required. Closing and saving an active requisition will relieve any commitments and permanently close the requisition.

External Reference (P): This field is optional and is only required when there has been communication with an external vendor who has given a reference to be used with respect to the purchase.

Internal Message to Buyer or Authorizer (P): This field is optional and is used for providing information to the buyer.

Supplier (P):This field is optional but if there is a preferred supplied this field can be filled in as suggestion to the buyer.

Account (STP): The account is a required field. It gives the default project account used when the line items are filled in. The help field list all accounts with account the requester has spending authority at the top. In principle any account can be entered but only accounts that the requester has explicit permission are normally used. If the requisitioner does not have signing authority or the amount is over his limit workflow routes the requisition to the account holder/alternate for approval. 

If there are multiple accounts on a requisition then the GL analysis at the bottom of the screen can be used for more detailed account specification. Details are given on the pruchase order detail page.

Encumbrances or Commitments(STP): There are four types of encumbrances or commitments: soft, hard, accrual, and reservation. A soft commitment is created when a requisition is saved in the active state. When the requisition is converted into a purchase order the soft commitment is relieved and a hard one created. When the goods are receive the hard commitment is relieved and an accrual commitment created. Any remaining commitment is relieved when the invoice is paid. a reservation commitment is created manually when a known expense should be recorded in advance of requisition.

All commitments are included when doing NSF checking.

Sub Account (STP): The sub account is a required field and the sub account must be a valid sub account for that account. The field help show only valid accounts.

Work Order (STP): This field is optional but should be used when the requisition is related to a work order in the work request system. It validated against the work order numbers from the work request system. 

Does this contain radioactive items? (P) check this box if any of the items being requisitioned are radioactive. If this box is check you must attach a TRIUMF Radioactive Materials Receive Permit. How to attach a document is desribed here. If the correct form is not attached workflow will return the requisition to you. 

Quote Only (P): If this box is check,workflow routes the requisition directly to the buyer to obtained a quote. Once the quote is obtained the requisition is returned to the requester for approval or rejection. If approved, the requisition is but into the normal workflow for requisitions.

Site Standard (P): If the item is a site standard check this box. If uncertain leave blank.

Single/Sole Source (P):If the item is single or sole source check this box and attach a document with the justification. If this box is check a supplier should be given.

Delivery Date(P): Normally this field is left at the default and changed by the buyer. If there is a date needed by that can be put here.