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Requisitions: Stores, Purchasing and Travel

Requisitions are used for store purchases, purchasing through the buyers, and for travel approval. The screen is shown below and the entry fields are explained in separate pages for the header information, the requisition details (stores), requisition details (purchases) and requisition details (travel). However for most requisition that more detailed information is not needed. 

Requisition Screen

All requisitions go through electronic workflow to obtain the needed authorizations. These authorizations include, as needed, account holder, division head, director authorization and radioactive material procurement permission. The workflow also checks for NSF requisitions. While NSF requisition are accepted into workflow in the majority of cases they will be returned to the requester. 

The Simple Case: Consider the case of ordering an item from stores. The requisitioner field is auto filled. The status should be changed to active. The only two other fields in header that have to be filled in are the account and sub account. If you know the account name and not the number you can just begin typing that name and AGRESSO will auto complete. The sub account will be validated against the account. 

To finish, enter the stores SKU in the product field and the number required in the quantity field and press save. Wait three minutes (for workflow to complete) and then go pick up your item. If you do not know the SKU, start typing the name of the item in the product box and AGRESOO will auto complete it. If you want a second item, click on the product box in the next line and again type in the SKU or product description. 

For purchase requisitions, the product box requires a product classification. They can be found here or on the Product Explorer tab in AGRESSO. For simple things, like laptop computers, simply type in laptop and the correct product code will be returned. If known the manufacturer's part number should be entered. The description field tells the buyer what the item is. The price must be entered and should be over estimated to avoid multiple trips through workflow. 

For travel approval, enter TR--/00000 as the product code.  Click on Kit components and fill in the estimate cost for the trip. Trip details are enter in the Product text area using the given template. These details must be filled in for the travel to be approved. Once the travel is approved you will be given a purchase order number to used when requesting reimbursement.