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Gabriel's Notebook: Week 3 - TIGRESS

03 August 2011

Day 1

Today was the first day with TIGRESS. Greg came by to meet me last week, but he was so busy he forgot about me on Monday! He made time for me to help out – I made a “mask” for the detectors. I made a right angle triangle with a dremel tool and they were putting it on as I left for home.

Day 2

Today a group from the PIMS summer camp came in to film me at TRIUMF. I missed my bus stop, but even though I arrived 30 minutes late and a little sweaty, they got some pictures and videos of me at the TIGRESS machine. After that, we sat in front of a computer until 4:00 waiting for the data to come in. Once we saw the triangle-shaped data, we took out the “mask.”

Day 3

Today was my last day with TIGRESS.  It’s been a good week. Greg went to the dentist that day. I made another mask to calibrate the silicon detector(s) (I don’t know if it is one or more). When I was finished, Mr. Wu ,Elaine, and I talk for a while. They are researchers that are visiting TRIUMF and working with TIGRESS right now—they are good people :). Next week is my last. Man, this beats staying at home and doing nothing.


- Written by Gabriel Stewart with editorial assistance from Jennifer Gagné, Web Publishing Coordinator