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Current Events Exploring TRIUMF science through YouTube 24 April 2020 Swing through the ISAC I experimental hall, stop in on a DRAGON, or explore the Meson Hall - all through the lens of our 360° camera! 
Headlines In Memoriam: Gerardo Dutto 22 April 2020        
Research Highlights New T2K results establish significant boundaries on neutrino oscillation 15 April 2020 With results published today in the prestigious journal Nature, T2K researchers have have made an important first step in the comparison of neutrino and antineutrino oscillation.
Current Events TRIUMF to welcome Waterloo as newest member University 26 March 2020 Waterloo becomes TRIUMF’s 21st member university. 
Current Events TRIUMF joins Engineers and Geoscientists of BC in celebrating history of excellence in engineering 06 March 2020 As we join Engineers and Geoscientists BC in marking their 100-year anniversary, we’re taking a closer look at the many ways engineers have contributed to TRIUMF.
Headlines TRIUMF community celebrates recipients of second annual Above & Beyond Awards  28 February 2020 The laboratory’s annual peer recognition awards celebrated new community members, behind-the-scenes contributors, and teamwork. 
Research Highlights ALPHA collaboration provides first glimpse of Lamb shift in antihydrogen 20 February 2020 In a new paper published in Nature, the ALPHA collaboration describes the first-ever documentation in antihydrogen of the Lamb shift.
Current Events TRIUMF community razzle-dazzles at 1920s-themed Mid-Winter Celebration 05 February 2020 On Friday, January 31st, the TRIUMF community came together in celebration for the 2020 Mid-Winter Celebration at the River Rock Show Theatre in Richmond.
Research Highlights Researchers find way to show how the tiniest particles in our universe saved us from complete annihilation 30 January 2020 Recently discovered ripples of spacetime called gravitational waves could contain evidence to prove the theory that life survived the Big Bang because of a phase transition that allowed neutrino particles to reshuffle matter and anti-matter.
Research Highlights University of Guelph researchers leverage TRIUMF’s unique facilities to probe safe nuclear waste storage solutions 20 December 2019 Researchers from the University of Guelph and Atomic Energy of France recently published a study in Nature Scientific Reports that investigates how the chemistry of atoms can be affected by confinement within nanostructures – an investigation with potential implications for long-term safe storage of nuclear waste, novel ways of generating and storing hydrogen as a clean energy source, and new technologies for capturing and reusing greenhouse gases.


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