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Current Events Proton Therapy Celebrates 20th Anniversary 21 August 2015 TRIUMF's proton therapy centre is a one of a kind facility in Canada used for treating a rare type of eye cancer. Today, we celebrate its 20th anniversary.
Student Stories TRIUMF’s First Ever Erich Vogt Fellow 20 August 2015 Jonathan Zhang was awarded the Erich Vogt First Year Student Research Experience fellowship, which gives outstanding first year students hands-on experience on a summer research project here at TRIUMF.
Experimental Result Setting the trap for Ultra-Cold Neutrons 19 August 2015 The team behind TRIUMF’s Ultra-Cold Neutron project reflects on their progress during this recent shutdown period and assesses their final steps towards realizing a first production of ultra-cold neutrons by early 2017.
Current Events High School Fellow Reflects 19 August 2015 Weiwei Meng was a recipient of the 2015 TRIUMF High School Fellowship program.  Her six-week work experience was with the AAPS-associated company, CRM Geotomography.
Current Events TRIUMF Welcomes Fulbright Scholar 11 August 2015 Seth Aubin will travel from Willamsburg, Virginia to participate in the FrPNC experiment, an atomic parity violation experiment. This research will aid in furthering TRIUMF experiments that make use of short-lived isotopes.   
Experimental Result PIENU Experiment Seeks A Winning Hand 07 August 2015 PIENU's latest results have stunned collaborators, providing double the precision of the previous best measurement and limiting speculation on new physics that would require energies far over that accessible by the world's most powerful accelerator. 
Experimental Result Antineutrino Appearance from T2K 24 July 2015 T2K observes three candidate electron antineutrino events in the muon antineutrino beam at SK. TRIUMF's Mark Scott and University of Victoria's Jordan Myslik describe how the collaboration’s latest results are beginning to hint at an answer for understanding asymmetry in the Universe.
Awards & Honours Accelerators Attract Marie-Curie Fellow 22 July 2015 Marie-Curie International Outgoing fellow Tobi Junginger knew he needed to see the bigger picture to grasp the small details. The German native will call Vancouver home for two years while he conducts research on accelerators with the RF/SRF group.
Student Stories Imaging Triple Negative Breast Cancer 13 July 2015 How does a physician image a cancer that does not respond to common techniques? This is the question that Thompson Rivers University co-op student Carlee Poleschuk hopes to answer during her 8-month work term at TRIUMF.
Workshops & Conferences IsoSiM pushes for professional development 19 June 2015 The Isotopes for Science and Medicine (IsoSiM) program will continue to further their goal of training multidisciplinary scientists through their first ever summer school, hosted at TRIUMF from June 22 to June 30.


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