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Experimental Result Upping the Anti 05 June 2011 The ALPHA experiment at CERN has succeeded in storing antimatter atoms for over 16 minutes; setting the stage for future discoveries in this field.
Awards & Honours Professor Wins Funds for Trapping Atoms 31 May 2011 Dr. Dan Melconian of Texas A&M University received the Early Career Research Award. He was a past graduate student at TRIUMF.
Experimental Result Why Carbon-14 is the Way It Is 27 May 2011 TRIUMF scientist Petr Navratil works with collaborators in the USA to explain how three-nucleon forces give carbon-14 a long half-life.
Experimental Result F-DOPA PET/CT - A Novel Technique for Detecting Certain Tumours 26 May 2011 TRIUMF's nuclear science group along with scientists from BC Children's Hospital have determind a more accurate way to scan for certain tumours.
Awards & Honours CAP Awards Vogel for Teaching Excellence 12 May 2011 Peter Vogel at Notre Dame Regional Secondary School in Vancouver has been recognized for his excellence in teaching high school physics.
Student Stories GRIFFIN Project Put In Motion 06 May 2011 This new and improved high-efficiency gamma-ray spectrometer will improve data collection and allow scientists to look further into the isotopes produced at TRIUMF.
Current Events Endeavouring to Search for All Matter 05 May 2011 Take-off may have been delayed, but the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is ready for launch on board the final mission for U.S. Space Shuttle Endeavour.
Awards & Honours UBC's Doug Bryman Shares Panofsky Prize 03 May 2011 Together with two other senior researchers from the U.S., UBC's Doug Bryman was awarded the 2011 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in experimental particle physics for finding a needle in a haystack.
Awards & Honours Prof. Bruce Gaulin Wins Brockhouse Medal 21 April 2011 Working with exotic ground states, Bruce has been recognized for his contributions in relation to new materials with magnetic properties.
Current Events Good Chemistry -- SFU Dept Visits TRIUMF 20 April 2011 At the end of March, visitors from the SFU chemistry department toured TRIUMF's main cyclotron and target hall to see how and where the isotopes they use for research are developed and produced.


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