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Current Events TRIUMF Gets a New Injection Beam Line 16 February 2011 TRIUMF now has a bright, shiny, and new main injection line. The line is used to transport hydrogen ions from the ion source to the centre of the cyclotron. Watch the stop-motion video of the last section being lowered.
Awards & Honours PAVAC Wins Innovation Award 16 February 2011 PAVAC, a Richmond-based company that works closely with TRIUMF on accelerator technology, is the winner of the 2010 Richmond Chamber of Commerce, Innovation Award.
Experimental Result Mastery: Understand the Simple Things 27 January 2011 A paper published in Science magazine today teases out the drama of chemical reaction rates for the simplest rearrangements involving the hydrogen atom and achieves a world record.  UBC chemist Don Fleming led the work using TRIUMF's μSR facilities.
Current Events Four Labs Address Canada’s Isotope Situation 24 January 2011 Today the Government of Canada announced a $6 million investment to develop an alternative medical-isotope production technology proposed by four Canadian labs.
Awards & Honours TRIUMF Student Earns UBC Arts Co-op of the Year 19 January 2011 Each year, the UBC Arts Co-op Program recognizes an undergrad co-op student for outstanding achievement. This year the award recognized Meghan Magee for her work term at TRIUMF.
Current Events TRIUMF's Improvements Noted by CNSC 17 January 2011 During the last visit to TRIUMF, the CNSC, Canada's Nuclear Safety regulatory body, congratulated TRIUMF on the tremendous progress the lab has made since appearing before the commission in 2007.
Awards & Honours Rick Baartman Recognized by APS 10 January 2011 Rick Baartman, a TRIUMF employee, was recognized by the American Physical Society (APS) Physics for his hard work in editing manuscripts for publication.
Current Events My Adventure of TRIUMF 06 January 2011 Local photgrapher, David Rasmussen, recently wrote a story about his experience in the Particle Physics Photowalk this past summer. As a New Year's present, he has shared his story with TRIUMF.
From the Director UNBC Joins TRIUMF 06 January 2011 At its recent Board of Management meeting, TRIUMF approved the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) as an associate member of the consortium that owns and operates Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics.
Awards & Honours 5 New Commercialization & Research Centres 04 January 2011 Five new Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research (CECR) have been established and are sharing a total of $61.1 million from the federal government over 5 years.


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