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Experimental Result Italian Government Makes "SuperB" Decision 03 January 2011 The Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research has selected the SuperB accelerator and particle-physics project conducted by the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) as one of its "flagship projects" in Italy over the next few years.
Current Events Happy New Year! 31 December 2010 Happy New Year!  2010 was a special year for TRIUMF... and the precursor to a fantastic 2011.  Congratulations to everyone in the TRIUMF community and a special thanks to our supporters and champions.
Current Events Student Art Exhibit by Emily Carr University @ TRIUMF 23 December 2010 If you stopped by the ISAC-II main floor at TRIUMF any time from December 3rd through 17th, 2010, you would have certainly noticed a very special display.
Current Events TARA enters Second Year, Holds AGM 22 December 2010 On December 16th, 2010, the TRIUMF Alumni and Retirees Association (TARA) held its second Annual General Meeting. The group has existed for almost two years, and has 99 members. Will you be the one to break one hundred?
Awards & Honours Succession Planning wins SRA Symposium award 21 December 2010 TRIUMF's team of Succession Planners won the Society of Research Administrators 'Best North American Poster' award at the annual meeting, for their poster on TRIUMF's approach to succession planning.
Awards & Honours Antihydrogen -- Top Science Story for 2010 20 December 2010 The Physics World 2010 Break through of the Year goes to two international teams of physicists at CERN who have created new ways of controlling atoms of antihydrogen.  Canada is a major player in the ALPHA team.
Awards & Honours Cyclotron Celebrated as an Engineering Milestone 16 December 2010 A special ceremony on Thursday, December 16, 2010, celebrated the recognition of first beams from TRIUMF’s main cyclotron in 1974 as an engineering milestone for Canada.
Current Events ACSI and TRIUMF Announce Partnership 16 December 2010 TRIUMF and ACSI—a leading designer, manufacturer, and installer of cyclotrons—have partnered to advance and promote cyclotron and accelerator technologies for providing healthcare for Canadians.
Headlines A Special Feature on Fundamental Symmetries 16 December 2010 This article is a special feature on Fund- amental Symmetries. Learn what they are, why they are important, and about the workshop held in July 2010.
Headlines SFU President Andrew Petter visits TRIUMF 14 December 2010 On November 9th, 2010, Simon Fraser University President Andrew Petter made his first visit to TRIUMF. SFU is part of the consortium of 16 universities that own and operate TRIUMF.


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