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Current Events Italian Ambassador and Consul-General Visit TRIUMF 13 March 2010 TRIUMF was honoured by the visit of the Ambassador of Italy, His Excellency Andrea Meloni and the Consul General of Italy in Vancouver, Mr. Francesco de Conno.
Experimental Result Measuring Strange-Quark Effects with G-Zero 11 March 2010 The G-Zero team is publishing conclusions about the role of strange quarks inside of protons and neutrons. The collaboration includes scientists from TRIUMF, UNBC, and the University of Manitoba.
From the Director Proposed Implementation for TRIUMF Five-Year Plan 05 March 2010 TRIUMF's director Nigel S. Lockyer writes to the community about how he envisions the implementation of the Five-Year Plan 2010-2015 with the core operating funds secured through this week's Federal Budget announcement.
Current Events TRIUMF Continues to Play Role in Canada's Future 04 March 2010 The Government of Canada announced its renewed support for TRIUMF as part of knowledge economy, committing $222 million over the next 5 years as part of TRIUMF's Five-Year Plan 2010-2015.
Awards & Honours Tao Kong Awarded for Excellence in Research 03 March 2010 Tao Kong, Ph.D. candidate at UBC, was awarded the Dr. Carl W. Wescott Memorial Fellowship for 2009/2010 for his research at TRIUMF.
Current Events TRIUMF Talent Supports Athletes at the Games 03 March 2010 Just a few steps from the TRIUMF laboratory, over at the UBC Thunderbird Arena, Ewart Blackmore was a Field of Play supervisor for the Olympics.
Experimental Result Japan/Canada Team Sees Their Own Neutrinos 25 February 2010 The Japanese-led multinational T2K collaboration announced that they had detected the first neutrinos produced 295 km away at the J-PARC facility. Canada has the largest participating team outside of Japan.
Current Events 47th WNPPC Connects Physics Community 23 February 2010 The Winter Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference (WNPPC) met February 12 to 14 at the Banff Centre, with a special focus on providing a forum for junior researchers.
Current Events Commemorating the Life of Ian Thorson 11 February 2010 Ian Thorson (February 22 1934- January 26 2010) will be deeply missed by his family and friends. His expertise in radiation shielding and safety contributed greatly to TRIUMF.
Experimental Result "An Exciting Time for Antihydrogen Physics!" 11 February 2010 TRIUMF scientists contributed to two recently published papers which set out to explore a new regime in trap physics using the Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus (ALPHA).


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