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Category Title Date Excerpt Attached Images
Awards & Honours U.S. Invests in Canadian Science at TRIUMF 08 February 2010 The U.S. Department of Energy announced funding for projects, acknowledging enthusiasm of U.S. scientists to collaborate with Canadian counterparts.
Current Events Elaine Campbell to Bear the Olympic Torch 04 February 2010 TRIUMF's Elaine Campbell prepares to take part in history through her exciting role as an Olympic torchbearer when the flame arrives in Delta, BC.
Current Events Vancouver Java Users Connect at TRIUMF 04 February 2010 TRIUMF's Brian Leathem hosted a meeting for VanJUG at TRIUMF this month, inviting Arun Gupta from Sun Microsystems to speak on recent developments.
Research Highlights IRIS Project Celebrates Nova Scotia Support 03 February 2010 IRIS, a proposed experimental facility at TRIUMF designed to study charged particles, was awarded funding from the Nova Scotia Research and Innovation Trust.
Research Highlights SNOLAB Moves Forward with Ontario Investment 02 February 2010 Scientists at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNOLAB) and across Canada are delighted with the funding announcement from the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation. 
Current Events Ultra Cold Neutrons Collaboration Meeting 01 February 2010 Scientists from Canada and Japan gathered at TRIUMF to discuss plans for the proposed Ultra Cold Neutrons (UCN) facility in the TRIUMF Meson Hall.
Awards & Honours DNP Thesis Prize Awarded to Rob MacDonald 27 January 2010 Rob MacDonald of the University of Alberta receives the 2008-09 Division of Nuclear Physics Thesis Prize for his work with TWIST at TRIUMF.
Awards & Honours IPA Awards Ritesh Kshetri Nuclear Physics Prize 15 January 2010 TRIUMF researcher Ritesh Kshetri attended the International Symposium on Nuclear Physics in India where he was awarded the C.V.K. Baba Prize from the Indian Physics Association.
Awards & Honours Chris Oram and Wife Cycle from Bangkok to Paris 13 January 2010 TRIUMF scientist, Dr. Chris Oram spent 325 days last year cycling with his wife from Bangkok, Thailand to Paris, France, crossing 22 countries through Asia and Europe.
Current Events Post-Secondary Education Caucus Tours TRIUMF 23 December 2009 Last week, members of the PSE Caucus toured TRIUMF to learn more about the lab and the research and training opportunities it provides Canadian graduate and undergraduate students.


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