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Current Events LHC Colliding Beams After Decade of Preparation 24 November 2009 In three days, the world's largest particle accelerator, CERN's Large Hadron Collider, passed two major milestones, successful restart and circulation & collision of two beams.
Current Events Saturday Morning Lectures Attract Record Crowds 20 November 2009 On Saturday, November 14, over 135 students and community members came out to listen to this month's presentations at the TRIUMF, UBC, SFU Saturday Morning Lecture Series.
Current Events In Memory of Dr. Donald Rix, Friend of TRIUMF 18 November 2009 The TRIUMF and AAPS Inc. commun- ities remember Dr. Donald Rix, founding member of the AAPS Board of Directors and long-time friend of TRIUMF, who passed away on November 6 at the age 78.
Current Events Canadians Comment on Medical-Isotope Shortage 18 November 2009 Health care workers, patients and experts have their say on video about the ongoing medical-isotope shortage and its impact on Canadians and the world.
Student Stories New Accelerator Physics Course for Grad Students 17 November 2009 Physics graduate students will soon have the opportunity to partake in a new course on proton and ion accelerators offered at UBC and UVic in collaboration with TRIUMF.
Current Events TRIUMF Hosts Cisco Systems for Testing Period 16 November 2009 For over a week, Cisco Systems engineers and software specialists occupied the TRIUMF Proton Irradiation Facility (PIF) to carry out tests of router systems and related networking equipment.
Awards & Honours Dr. Gingras Awarded the '09 CAP Brockhouse Medal 10 November 2009 Dr. Michel Gingras, who spent some of his formative years at TRIUMF as a research associate in the Theory Group, has been awarded the 2009 Canadian Association of Physicists Brockhouse Medal.
Awards & Honours New Award for Outstanding Canadian Physics Teachers 06 November 2009 The Canadian Association of Physicists recently announced a new Award for Excellence in Teaching High School and CEGEP Physics in collaboration with TRIUMF, Perimeter Institute, Merlan Scientific, Nelson Education, and Vernier.
Current Events RIKEN Leaders visit TRIUMF 01 November 2009 Two members of the senior management team of Japan's RIKEN laboratory visited TRIUMF on Thursday, October 29, 2009, to share operating models and discuss opportunities for partnership.
Awards & Honours Student Award Created in Memory of Lutz Moritz 30 October 2009 This summer the Accelerator Section of the Health Physics Society established an award in memory of Lutz Moritz recognizing his support for the section and his contributions to the field of accelerator health physics.


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