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Current Events TRIUMF Submits Plans for Medical Isotope Alternatives 17 September 2009 This week, TRIUMF submitted two proposals on medical isotope alternatives to the CIHR in a bid to obtain operating grants for the development of alternative radio-pharmaceuticals for medical imaging.
Current Events TRIUMF Fascinates with Physics at Barn Raising 15 September 2009 TRIUMF volunteers wowed the weekend crowds at the UNA's Annual Barn Raising with engaging science displays and hands-on games that demonstrated the work done at the laboratory.
Current Events In the Neighbourhood: Stories along the Trail 14 September 2009 This Sunday, the parking lot at TRIUMF will be busier than usual as avid outdoor enthusiasts will be gathering here for the start of a unique community event in Pacific Spirit Regional Park: Stories along the Trail.
Experimental Result Exploring Physics Beyond the Standard Model 14 September 2009 TRIUMF welcomes the return of Dr. Stephen Godfrey, particle physics theorist and professor at Carleton University, who is at the lab on sabbatical to continue his exploration of physics beyond the Standard Model.
Current Events TRIUMF Internship Attracts Young Shad Valley Students 04 September 2009 Vickie Loosemore and Teddy Leung spent the month of August as interns at TRIUMF where they had the opportunity to explore the world of nuclear physics and work closely on the ISAC laser-ion sources.
Workshops & Conferences TRIUMF Hosts LHCOPN Meeting 03 September 2009 Earlier this week, the LHC Optical Private Network met at TRIUMF to discuss the operation, monitoring, and performance of the 10G network between CERN and the Tier 1 Data Centres. 
Current Events Performance Highlight: New Record Set 26 August 2009 Week 33 set the record for cyclotron and beam delivery performance at TRIUMF. In total, the time off was only 2.45 hours, leaving beam on in Beam Line 1A for a record 165.55 hours.
Experimental Result On the Cutting-Edge of Alzheimer's Research 26 August 2009 The TRIUMF and UBC PET group is lending its expertise to a ground-breaking study of Alzheimer's disease, the results of which could significantly advance the study and management of the disease.  
Current Events TRIUMF Welcomes Top Nuclear Chemist 24 August 2009 Dr. Paul Schaffer, newly appointed Deputy Head of the growing Nuclear Medicine Division, brings to TRIUMF a wealth of expertise in nuclear medicine imaging and therapy and radiochemistry.
Awards & Honours Students Shine at TRIUMF Summer Symposium 14 August 2009 This year, 16 bright young summer students took part in the 9th Annual TRIUMF Summer Student Symposium where each gave presentations on the research they conducted at the lab this summer.


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