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Student Stories Dylon's Corner: Where Physics & Medicine Collide 14 August 2009 I spent my final week at the lab exploring TRIUMF's nuclear medicine program. I learned about the TR-13 cyclotron, radioisotopes, and the PET Scanner at the UBC Hospital.
Current Events TRIUMF Celebrates its 40th Anniversary 11 August 2009 On Saturday, August 8, the TRIUMF site was buzzing with curiosity, energy, and enthusiasm, as 1300 people visited the laboratory for its 40th Anniversary Open House celebration.
Student Stories Dylon's Corner: One Eclectic Week 07 August 2009 My fifth  week at TRIUMF has come to an end, and what an insightful week it was. I learned how research, mechanical work, and public relations all come together to make TRIUMF the great place it is.
Current Events Exploring LHC Collider Physics at TSI 2009 31 July 2009 More than 40 students from around the world gathered at TRIUMF from July 20 - 31 for the 21st Annual TRIUMF Summer Institute where they engaged with world-class experts on LHC Collider physics.
From the Director Guest Column: CERN's Director General 31 July 2009 It's 40 years since four Canadian universities pooled their resources to create a facility that no single university could provide, and I've been privileged to play a small part in the activity of TRIUMF...
Student Stories Dylon's Corner: The Tenacity of TIGRESS 31 July 2009 This week I got a real taste for the sincere passion that motivates scientists, both in the students who presented their research findings and in the scientists I worked closely with on the TIGRESS experiment.
Experimental Result Supernanogan Ion Source Delivers First Beams 24 July 2009 After months of testing, the newest addition to the OLIS family, the Supernanogan ECR ion source, has now successfully sent beam to three scheduled experiments in the TRIUMF ISAC facility.
Student Stories Dylon's Corner: Inside an Exploding Star 24 July 2009 It's Friday and I've spent the last week working with the TUDA group delving into a fascinating field I had heard little of before: experimental nuclear astrophysics.
Student Stories Dylon's Corner: The Wonderful World of µSR 17 July 2009 It's been a busy week; I've been introduced to the M20 beamline, learned about muons and µSR, explored the data room for an experiment, and realized just how essential calculus is to physics research.
Current Events Fellowship Experience Draws Students Back to Lab 16 July 2009 TRIUMF's commitment to training the next generation of leaders through its research, education, and outreach program is paying off for two young physics students this summer.


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