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Current Events Lia Merminga's Arrival at TRIUMF Heralded by Vancouver Newspapers 27 June 2008 As described in an article advertised on the front page of the Vancouver Courier, Lia Merminga has enjoyed her first 10 days at TRIUMF.
From the Director Lab Business Magazine Features TRIUMF 26 June 2008 Lab Business magazine featured TRIUMF on the cover of its Spring 2008 issue this year.
Workshops & Conferences Building Partnerships at the TRIUMF-GSI/FAIR Workshop 19 June 2008 In April, physicists from the GSI (Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung) laboratory in Darmstadt, Germany, met with TRIUMF researchers at a three-day workshop to discuss nuclear structure, astrophysics, detector development, theory, and isotope production.
Workshops & Conferences The Last ATLAS Workshop of the Americas Before the LHC Begins 16 June 2008 Can you imagine a stack of data DVDs almost one kilometer high? This is how much data the ATLAS project will collect each year. To gear up for the data deluge, scientists are gathering in North America for the last time to prepare for the first data to come from ATLAS later this year.
Current Events "Blackberry" Inventor Invests in Theoretical Physics (again) 09 June 2008 The Canadian who invented the Blackberry has a soft spot for physics. Mike Lazaridis, who made a fortune developing the BlackBerry handheld device, is donating another $50 million to the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics located in North Waterloo, Ontario.
Awards & Honours TRIUMF's Maxime Brodeur Wins Carl Westcott Fellowship 06 June 2008 What would you do with $10,000? After receiving the Carl Westcott Fellowship for his exceptional work on TRIUMF’s Ion Trap for Atomic and Nuclear Science (TITAN) project, Maxime Brodeur is still thinking about what he will do with his award.
Current Events TRIUMF Five-Year Plan Nears Completion 04 June 2008 The principal support for TRIUMF's operations is through a contribution via National Research Council Canada (NRC). NRC funding is awarded in five-year increments to the laboratory which dictates the schedule for preparing the Five-Year Plan (5YP).
Current Events Parliamentary Science Committee Visits TRIUMF 02 June 2008 As Members of Parliament walked through the halls of TRIUMF on May 29, 2008, they marveled at the sophisticated scientific equipment and the enthusiasm of the researchers they met.
Current Events Professor Erich Vogt Honoured at UBC Symposium 20 May 2008 As former TRIUMF director, esteemed professor, national leader, and accomplished nuclear theorist, Erich Vogt has lead a long and memorable career. On May 4, friends and colleagues such as Nobel laureates Walter Kohn, Richard E. Taylor, and Carlo Rubbia gathered at UBC to celebrate Vogt’s many legacies.
Current Events Canadian Magnets Installed in LHC at CERN 15 May 2008 As the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is completed at CERN, the end of the winter season marked another milestone of assembly when the 154 "warm" magnets were installed. Delivering the magnets half-way around the world, TRIUMF oversaw the contribution of 52 (48 plus 4 spares) units to the project.


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