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Experimental Result TITAN's 1st Experiment Takes Precision Mass of On-line Lithium Ions 05 September 2007 On the weekend of August 24 – 26, 2007, physicists on the TITAN experiment (S1074) took the first Penning trap mass measurements of radioactive lithium isotopes -- the lightest on-line produced ions ever trapped.
Experimental Result First Tracks from TACTIC 05 September 2007 TACTIC (TRIUMF Annular Chamber for Tracking and Identification of Charged Particles) is a cylindrical time projection chamber for the detection of low-energy ions ejected from nuclear reactions built by a collaboration between the University of York and TRIUMF.
Current Events Dr. Marco Schippers Strengthens Collaboration Between TRIUMF and PSI 04 September 2007 TRIUMF and PSI (Paul Scherrer Institute) — the Swiss research institute for natural and engineering sciences — share a long history of collaboration for the design, construction and exploitation of their large high intensity cyclotrons.
Workshops & Conferences TRIUMF Hosts Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics 22 August 2007 For the 4 days of July 29 through August 2, 2007, TRIUMF hosted the Sixth Circum-Pan-Pacific Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (PACSPIN).
Current Events UBC’s President Toope Visits TRIUMF 21 August 2007 President Toope, a lawyer by profession, is interested in the sciences and in strengthening the ties between TRIUMF and UBC.
Experimental Result Mount Allison Group Studies Green Chemistry at TRIUMF 14 August 2007 The focus of the Mount Allison University muon chemistry group, led by Dr. Khashayar Ghandi, is the study of green chemistry, and chemical dynamics using muons as microscopic probes.
Awards & Honours Two BC High-School Students Selected to Receive TRIUMF High-School Fellowships 14 August 2007 British Columbia - Two British Columbia grade 12 students have been selected to participate in the TRIUMF High School Fellowship program for science excellence.
Experimental Result Gamma Rays from 29Na: First TIGRESS Experiment at ISAC-II 10 August 2007 The results of this experiment will illuminate the inner workings of exotic nuclei, which is itself crucial to our understanding of how stars evolve, explode, and create the matter that we see around us.
Current Events T2K Collaboration Meets at TRIUMF 10 August 2007 The T2K (Tokai-to-Kamioka) experiment will further explore the oscillation properties of neutrinos by using a high energy particle accelerator now under construction at Tokai, on the east coast of Japan, to produce an intense, nearly monoenergetic beam of man-made neutrinos.
Current Events Town Hall Meeting Discusses Future Opportunities 08 August 2007 The TRIUMF Users’ recent town hall meeting (August 1st to the 3rd) discussed major new initiatives for the 2010-2015 period.


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