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Current Events Major Milestone in Eye Cancer Treatment 07 November 2005 A major milestone in eye cancer treatment was reached recently at TRIUMF. In the week of the 10th anniversary of treating its very first eye cancer patient, the TRIUMF cancer therapy facility treated its 100th patient on August 29.
Experimental Result Searching for Nature's Right Hand 07 April 2005 Elementary particles such as electrons are labeled as either "right-handed" or "left-handed". A surprising observation is that only left-handed particles seem to feel the weak nuclear force, whereas left- and right-handed particles feel the other fundamental forces equally.
Awards & Honours High School Fellowship Winner Spends Summer at TRIUMF 30 September 2004 Reka Moldovan of Kelowna, B.C., was this year's winner of TRIUMF's High School Fellowship.
Workshops & Conferences TRIUMF Hosts Conference on Nuclei in the Cosmos 14 June 2004 Explosions lighting up the entire universe, stars ripping themselves apart, and hydrogen bombs which make the military green with envy: all that has created life. More than 250 scientists will be assembling in Vancouver to discuss their latest results about stars and the creation of the elements at Nuclei in the Cosmos VIII.
Research Highlights Cool-Down of the First Module of the ISAC-II Superconducting Accelerator 04 June 2004 The ISAC-II Accelerator team is making steady progress towards the goal of accelerating beam in ISAC-II by the end of 2005.
Current Events TRIUMF Joins 10 November 2003 TRIUMF is very pleased to have joined the InterActions Collaboration. InterActions' members represent the world's particle physics laboratories in a joint effort to support global particle physics communication, to provide centralized, consistent dissemination of particle physics information via the WWW, and to promote education and public outreach.
Workshops & Conferences The Summer Nuclear Institute at TRIUMF 02 September 2003 Discovering the mixing matrices for quarks (CKM) and leptons (MNS) is currently an active topic of research both experimentally and theoretically.
Research Highlights The TRIUMF TITAN 02 September 2003 The ISAC facility can help scientists closely examine radioactive decays to learn more about the fundamental forces behind what is causing them.
Current Events The TRIUMF TIGRESS Facility 29 August 2003 When ISAC-II comes on line in 2005, it will be supplying beam to, among others, the TRIUMF ISAC Gamma-Ray Escape-Suppressed Spectrometer (TIGRESS).
Current Events The New ISAC-II Building 01 June 2003 After a year of construction, parking problems and excited anticipation, TRIUMF has taken possession of the new ISAC-II building.


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