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Research Highlights ISAC-II Delivers its first Radioactive Beam to an Experiment. 10 January 2007 A major milestone at TRIUMF was passed Friday January 5, 2007 at 7:09pm when the first radioactive beam, 11Li was delivered from the ISAC-II accelerator by TRIUMF scientist Robert Laxdal, who has led the ISAC-II development from its inception.
Current Events Next Director of TRIUMF Announced 04 December 2006 Following the December 1st meeting of the TRIUMF Board of Management, Dr. Feridun Hamdullahpur, Board Chair, made the following announcement:
Awards & Honours TRIUMF and Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Celebrate Receipt of John C. Polanyi Prize 15 November 2006 The winners of the inaugural $250,000 NSERC John C. Polanyi Award are the Canadian scientists of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) collaboration, who are being honoured for their groundbreaking research on neutrinos which solved a 30-year-old scientific puzzle.
Awards & Honours Erich Vogt Receives Order of British Columbia 20 July 2006 Congratulations to Dr. Erich Vogt on receiving the Order of British Columbia at a ceremony at Government House on June 22, 2006.
Research Highlights TRIUMF Develops World's Highest-Powered Source of Short-Lived Atoms - Opens Up New Vistas into the Most Exotic Atoms in the Universe 13 June 2006 At the 61st annual Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Congress at Brock University in St. Catherines, Ontario, scientists announced a major breakthrough in the production of exotic short-lived atoms at TRIUMF, Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics, located in Vancouver.
Research Highlights TRIUMF Successfully Commissions Canada's First Superconducting Linear Particle Accelerator 17 May 2006 The TRIUMF national laboratory has achieved a new milestone by successfully commissioning a superconducting linear accelerator (linac) at its subatomic physics complex situated on the UBC campus in Vancouver.
Research Highlights TRIUMF Researchers Team Up with Successful Gigabyte-per-Second Network Computing Challenge 17 February 2006 At the international Computing for High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2006 conference (CHEP06) in Mumbai, India, the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid collaboration (WLCG) officially announced the successful completion of a data network speed challenge.
Experimental Result TRIUMF Kicker Group Accepts Short Pulse Challenge of ILC 09 February 2006 The Internal Linear Collider proposal is a massive new undertaking of the world's particle physics community. The ILC plans to be the world's largest particle accelerator with two facing linear accelerators, each 20km long, colliding beams of electrons and positrons at the highest energies ever.
Current Events Major Milestone in Eye Cancer Treatment 07 November 2005 A major milestone in eye cancer treatment was reached recently at TRIUMF. In the week of the 10th anniversary of treating its very first eye cancer patient, the TRIUMF cancer therapy facility treated its 100th patient on August 29.
Experimental Result Searching for Nature's Right Hand 07 April 2005 Elementary particles such as electrons are labeled as either "right-handed" or "left-handed". A surprising observation is that only left-handed particles seem to feel the weak nuclear force, whereas left- and right-handed particles feel the other fundamental forces equally.


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