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laser applications: laser resonance ionization / collinear laser spectr. / nuclear spin polarization

The "Laser Applications"  group is part of accelerator division's Ion Sources & Targets R&D department. Its mission is to develop and deliver radioactive ion beams (RIB) at highest intensity and purity, as well as nuclear spin polarized RIB.  To that end the laser applications group operates several beam delivery facilities:

(i) resonant ioinzation laser ion sources, and (ii) the polarizer & collinear fast beam laser spectroscopy beamline. About 75% of all delivered RIB are currently laser ionized. 

The laser applications group works at the interface of isotope production targets, ion sources, RIB delivery, and user experiments. With our facilities we are able to support and accomodate external users' approved experiments. 

To provide RIB of high intensity and purity relevant to the ISAC nuclear- & particle-physics programs, as well as the RIB based materials- and life-science programs R&D is critical. This is done at off-line test facilities and on-line with RIB to (a) develop new, improved laser resonance ionization, (b) ion sources, and (c) develop new spin polarized beams. In order to succeed in these endeavours, laser spectroscopy on stable and radioactive species is performed. Collinear fast beam laser spectroscopy and its variants is a high resolution technique to provide required atomic data on exotic isotopes. 

The group operates 3 laser laboratory locations with: (1) two on-line laser ion source laboratories (T_RILIS and A_LIS), (2) off-line laser ion source test stand & laser lab, and (3) polarizer laser lab.

Its tools are  gropued into (I) ns-pulsed, high repetition rate, tuneable titanium:sapphire lasers (TiSa), (II) narrow linewidth, continuous wave ring-dye-laser and titanium:sapphire laser systems, with the associated instrumentation and diagnostics, and (III) test ion sources, mass spectrometers and spectroscopy apparata.

NOTE (1): currently recruiting interested, motivated MSc. and PhD. students (for 2025/28)

NOTE (2): currently recruiting a post doctoral resaerch associate to take on TRILIS & polarizer development. The position is intended for the incument to build their research portfolio in resonance ionization as well as laser spectroscopy - lasers in nuclear physics.

interested? please contact:


Laser Polarizer & Collinear Laser Spectroscopy Facility

People - making things work

Course offerings

Publications TRILIS

RILIS - Laser Ion Source @ ISAC

RILIS - Laser Ion Sources @ ARIEL

RILIS - Test Stand R&D
RILIS - World Wide

TRILIS Group Projects


Page maintained by   Jens Lassen

last update: 02/2023