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RILIS world-wide

Research using Radioactive Ion Beams (RIB) allows for systematic studies of the properties of nuclei and the development of nuclear theory. This research with intense RIB can only be performed at a few locations world wide. Such locations are, among others: CERN-ISOLDE in Geneva, Switzerland, TRIUMF-ISAC in Vancouver BC, Canada, GANIL in Caen, France, GSI in Darmstadt, Germany, RIKEN in Japan, 

Among these research centers CERN-ISOLDE and TRIUMF-ISAC currently deliver the highest intensity beams.  

JG U Mainz, LARISSA, Mainz, Germany

Prof. Dr. K.D.A. Wendt

CERN-ISOLDE RILIS, Geneva, Switzerland

Dr. B. Marsh / Dr. K. Chrysialidis

KU Leuven, Lasers & LIST, Leuven, Belgium

Dr. Ruben de Groote

GANIL SPIRAL2, Cean, France

Dr. N. Lecesne

JYFL-FURIOUS, U Jyväskylä, Finnland

Prof. Dr. I. Moore

University of Applied Sciences Emden, Universitaet Oldenburg

Prof. Dr. W. Neu

RAON-IRIS, Daejeon South-Korea

Prof. J. Kim, Dr. S.J. Park