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Current Events TRIUMF Scientist Muses on Medical Isotopes in Nature Magazine Essay 12 February 2009 Physicians and patients around the world are increasingly anxious about the shortage of nuclear isotopes used for medical imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, brain disease and cardiac problems. The Union of Concerned Scientists issued a call to improve supplies earlier this month...
Awards & Honours 2008/2009 Carl Westcott Fellowship Awarded to Daniel Roberge 12 February 2009 Last month on January 20, 2009, TRIUMF’s Daniel Roberge received a $10,000 cheque. No, he did not win the lottery; it was the annually awarded Dr. Carl H. Westcott Memorial Fellowship, granted to one outstanding graduate student at TRIUMF each year.
Research Highlights Superconducting RF Group Opens New Etching Lab 12 February 2009 An important new laboratory has opened that adds to the technical infrastructure supported by the Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) Group at TRIUMF. The Chemical Etching Laboratory is used to 'superclean’ ultra-pure Niobium, both prior to welding during the cavity fabrication process and after the cavity is complete...
Research Highlights Research Breakthrough in the Study of Parkinson's-Related Disease 12 February 2009 Dr. Jon Stoessl, Director of the Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre, played a key role in a recent Mayo Clinic-led medical breakthrough in the study of Perry’s Syndrome. The rare syndrome is caused by a genetic defect and the mechanism that's believed to be linked to the origins of various neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s...
Research Highlights Dragon Excels in Exploiting High Quality Beam 12 February 2009 ISAC and DRAGON, the Detector of Recoils And Gammas Of Nuclear reactions, have combined for a successful run with a very challenging beam. DRAGON is the first facility to directly measure the 23Mg(p,g)24Al reaction rate, a key astrophysical milestone. DRAGON measures the rates of nuclear reactions that are important in astrophysics, particularly...
Workshops & Conferences TRIUMF Hosts the 2009 ARW 04 February 2009 Participants from 15 countries (Canada inclusive) attended the Accelerator Reliability Workshop (ARW) hosted by TRIUMF January 26 – 30.
Current Events U.S. National Academies Report on Eliminating Highly Enriched Uranium 23 January 2009 The majority of medical radioisotopes used in the United States are produced using highly enriched uranium (HEU) reactors in Canada and Europe. Not surprisingly, this has led to serious tensions regarding the state of nuclear security and non-proliferation in the US.
From the Director Loss of a Truly Honourable Member of the Legislature 21 January 2009 Stan Hagen was a great friend of TRIUMF and of science in British Columbia. He had a vision of the importance of what is now called a "knowledge economy" long before it was popular. He was an individual who wanted the best for British Columbia, and he had a major impact on the founding of several of its great institutions, including Science World and the University of Northern British Columbia, not to mention his role in the great success of TRIUMF.
Current Events Minister of State for Science and Technology Pays TRIUMF a Visit 16 January 2009 The Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State for Science and Technology, visited TRIUMF on Friday morning, January 16. After announcing a $3.5 million investment for 31 research projects at UBC from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), Gary made TRIUMF his next stop.
Current Events Bruce Ralston, MLA from Surrey-Whalley Visits TRIUMF 13 January 2009 Last Friday, January 9, 2009 Bruce Ralston, a Member of Legislative Assembly from Surrey-Whalley was a guest at TRIUMF's facilities. He visited to learn more about TRIUMF and its contribution to British Columbia.


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