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Experimental Result Looking for Magic in Calcium 11 July 2012 UBC PhD student, Aaron Gallant discusses Calcium and the work being done at the TITAN facility at TRIUMF.
Current Events How the Higgs Did We Get Here? 10 July 2012 Canada's contribution to and participation in the Higgs breakthrough shouldn't be taken for granted. Governments, scientists, and the public had to work together.
Student Stories Carmen's Corner: My first week at TRIUMF 09 July 2012 Grade 10 student Carmen Wong is visiting TRIUMF for 5 weeks. She is at TRIUMF as part of the Emerging Aboriginal Scholars Summer Camp put on by the Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences.
Current Events Oliver Stelzer-Chilton Elected to IPP Council 06 July 2012 TRIUMF Research Scientist, Oliver Stelzer-Chilton, was recently elected as a council member of the Insitute of Particle Physics.
Experimental Result ..and We're There! 04 July 2012 Particle physicists celebrated 'round the world this morning as the two CERN experiments ATLAS and CMS confirmed observation of a new particle consistent with the Higgs boson.
Experimental Result the Higgs... 03 July 2012 The hunt for the Higgs closes in! Stop by TRIUMF on Wed morning, July 4, to meet BC scientists and students and learn about the new Higgs results.
Experimental Result Getting Closer and Closer... 03 July 2012 Scientists working with U.S.-based Fermilab announced their latest, and perhaps greatest, results in the hunt for the Higgs boson on July 2.  The CERN-based experiments will reveal their news Wednesday morning.
Current Events Tom Ruth Retires 28 June 2012 Tom Ruth, who launched the nuclear-medicine program at TRIUMF nearly three decades ago, fully retired from TRIUMF in late June.
Experimental Result Finding the Magic 22 June 2012 An international team of scientists including TRIUMF's Reiner Kruecken have announced success in producing, isolating, and studying the exotic Tin-100 isotope, an atom that is "doubly magic" because it has a special and equal number of protons and neutrons.
Experimental Result Standard Model under Strain? 19 June 2012 An international team of scientists including Canadians has squeezed new results out of the BaBar particle-physics experiment in the U.S.  One analysis shows a slight excess compared to Standard Model predictions.


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