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Awards & Honours Canadian Physicists Win U.S. Honours 21 December 2012 Six Canadian physicists were elected to become Fellows of the American Physical Society, recognizing outstanding contributions to physics. Congrats to TRIUMF's Jens Dilling & Don Fleming (also UBC)!
Current Events TIME Person-of-the-Year: Runner-Up 19 December 2012 Particle physics enters the mainstream with ATLAS spokesperson Fabiola Gianotti grabbing Runner-Up for TIME Magazine's 2012 Person of the Year. Congrats to Fabiola, the ATLAS team, and ATLAS-Canada!
From the Director A Visit to Higgs-Hunting Headquarters 18 December 2012 Senior visitors from Canada paid CERN a visit in late November to learn more about present and future Canadian involvement in the quest for understanding the basic ingredients of our universe and how they interact.
Current Events Nobel Laureate Visits TRIUMF 17 December 2012 Dr. Wineland visited TRIUMF in October as part of a trip to Vancouver where he met with collaborators and colleagues.
Experimental Result X-Ray Laser Penetrates Stellar Mystery 13 December 2012 Experimental work from TRIUMF fed into a U.S. DOE experiment that has shed light on the role of highly-charged iron isotopes in stellar evolution.
Awards & Honours Winner: ATLAS Higgs-like Discovery 11 December 2012 The ATLAS team received acknowledgement from the Fundamental Physics Prize Foundation for its role in discovering a new boson thought to be the Higgs particle. 
Current Events Global Photowalk 2012 Winners 06 December 2012 Three spectacular photos from TRIUMF have been selected as the local winners in the Global Photowalk.
Current Events German Ambassador Visits TRIUMF 05 December 2012 His Excellency Werner Wnendt, Abassador of Germany to Canada, visited TRIUMF this past Tuesday to learn about the laboratory's global connections and look for opportunities to expand international partnerships.
Current Events CFI Visits TRIUMF 29 November 2012 CFI paid a visit to TRIUMF on Wednesday to get a personal look at some of the projects they've supported as well as to learn how TRIUMF manages its portfolio of research, training, and innovation.
Awards & Honours T2K Experiment Honoured in France 26 November 2012 The T2K collaboration was recently selected for high honours by the French magazine “La Recherche.” This prize celebrates the physics accomplishment and the clear, precise language of the paper.


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