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Experimental Result Cyclotron Winter Shutdown 02 April 2013 It's that time of the year again when the once energetic paperclips lie limp atop of our Meson Hall's tables while TRIUMF’s cyclotron is turned off for major maintenance activities.
Current Events Vancouver Canucks to Call TRIUMF Home 01 April 2013 Welcome, Canucks! We're thrilled to announce the good news. Read the full story here. 
Current Events Mike Adam Elected to Board of SRS 19 March 2013 Dr. Michael J. Adam has recently been elected to the Board of Directors of the Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences. 
Experimental Result Looking for Wrong-Handed Neutrinos 18 March 2013 TRINAT examines decaying particles as they change from one state to another to address possible holes in the Standard Model of particle physics.
Experimental Result Higgs Boson: Quo Vadis 12 March 2013 Flashforward! Since the discovery last July, TRIUMF ATLAS and CMS researchers are flourishing with data, analyzing  results, and continue to decipher the Higgs boson particle puzzle.
Funding Announcements TRIUMF Team Receives Isotopes Investment 28 February 2013 Today, Natural Resources Canada announced funding decisions for the next wave of development and deployment of TRIUMF technology for production of the key medical isotope Tc-99m using existing cyclotrons.
Current Events TRIUMF Hosts Global Physics Summit 25 February 2013 On Feb 21-22, 2013, TRIUMF hosted an international summit for particle physics.  Directors of the world's leading laboratories assembled to discuss progress and plans as well as to look at opportunities for collaboration and partnership.
Current Events Choose the Next "Big Science" Image 12 February 2013 Last September, hundreds of photographers streamed into particle physics laboratories around the world to produce photographs of the laboratories, in all their beauty and complexity. It's time to vote for the winners! 
Experimental Result The Shape of Things to Come 09 February 2013 A U.S.-Canadian team including TRIUMF scientists has used the 8pi detector to study how an exotic nuclei (Zr-94) can take on widely different shapes; the results have been published in Phys. Rev. Lett.
From the Director BC Deputy Minister Visits TRIUMF 29 January 2013 BC Deputy Minister for Innovation and Technology Cairine MacDonald visited TRIUMF on Tuesday morning and learned about the broad research and innovation program.


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