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Current Events Joyce Murray, Federal M.P. for Vancouver Quadra, Visits TRIUMF 30 April 2009 Joyce Murray, the twice-elected Member of Parliament for Vancouver Quadra, paid TRIUMF a visit on April 14, 2009.  Murray was greeted by Director Nigel Lockyer and then met several TRIUMF scientists for a discussion of TRIUMF's recent accomplishments and vision for the future.  Murray is the Liberal Caucus Intergovernmental Affairs Liaison for B.C., and the Vice-Chair of the Standing Parliamentary Committee on Health.
Current Events Canada’s First Astronaut Visits TRIUMF 30 April 2009 On Friday, April 17th, TRIUMF welcomed the Honourable Marc Garneau, a Canadian astronaut, engineer and politician. Currently serving as a Member of Parliament for Westmount-Ville-Marie, he serves as science critic for Parliament. The MP visited TRIUMF as part of a larger tour he is conducting of large science centres in Canada (he arrived in Vancouver straight from Saskstaoon and its Canadian Light Source).
Experimental Result Mo-99 Collaboration: MDS Nordion & TRIUMF 28 April 2009 MDS Nordion and TRIUMF announced on Tuesday, April 28, 2009, that they have signed an agreement to study the feasibility of producing a viable and reliable supply of photo-fission-produced molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) used globally for diagnostic medical imaging.
Experimental Result T2K Experiment Launches with Great Success 24 April 2009 T2K, also known as the Tokai-to-Kamioka long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment, has taken the first step into a realm of research and discovery. Experimenters have confirmed the first production of neutrino beams by observing the muons produced by the proton beam in the neutrino facility at Japan Proton Accelerator Complex (J-PARC).
Current Events TRIUMF Undergoes Evaluation by the CNSC 21 April 2009 The issuance and standing of TRIUMF's operating license is determined by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). As a natural part of this process TRIUMF undergoes inspections of many of its activities. For instance, CNSC regularly sends a team of specialists to TRIUMF to inspect the laboratory's Quality Management System and evaluate its effectiveness. The inspection process takes about a week and completes with a debriefing and written report.
Awards & Honours TRIUMF Collaborator François Bénard Named to BC Leadership Chair in Functional Cancer Imaging 08 April 2009 In a special event at the British Columbia Cancer Agency Research Centre on Tuesday, provincial and scientific leaders gathered to announce the naming of François Bénard as the province's Leadership Chair in Functional Cancer Imaging.
Current Events Quantum Diaries Features Two TRIUMF Physicists 02 April 2009 "When you first hear an amazing song, you experience it totally and freely and let the sounds sink into your 'soul'..."  and so goes the latest blog post from nuclear physicist Chris Ruiz in the global web project known as Quantum Diaries.  One of a team of ten nuclear and particle physicists around the world, Ruiz is sharing his life in physics, music, and family with the world in a new online site just launched today.
Current Events TRIUMF Theorist’s Frugal Take on Science Attracts Worldwide Attention 27 March 2009 "Science is the construction of parsimonious, internally consistent models that reliably predict future observations" says Byron K. Jennings, TRIUMF's Deputy Division Head of Science. 
Current Events University of Manitoba Joins TRIUMF 24 March 2009 On Friday, March 20, the University of Manitoba became a full member of TRIUMF, Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics. "The University of Manitoba is excited to be joining this facility," said Dr. Digvir Jayas, Acting Vice-President (Research) at the University of Manitoba.
Current Events Chinese Delegation of Hospital Executives visits TRIUMF 20 March 2009 On Monday, March 16, Mr. Guo Jianping, Vice President of Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences visited TRIUMF, leading  a delegation of five medical executives from China's Zhejiang province,  The delegation was hosted by Dr. Jianming Lu, a TRIUMF scientist and president of the fledging JML Biopharmaceuticals company.


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