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Experimental Result First Acceleration of Charge-bred RIB at ISAC 12 November 2008 On November 11, 2008, a team of scientists led by Dr. Friedhelm Ames successfully accelerated a beam of 80Rb14+ ions at TRIUMF’s ISAC facility. This represents the first accelerated, charge-bred rare isotope beam (RIB) at ISAC, making ISAC one of only three facilities in the world with this capability and signaling the beginning of a new program of nuclear physics at TRIUMF
Current Events Report Explores Alternatives to Nuclear Reactors for Medical Isotopes 11 November 2008 The Task Force on Alternatives for Medical-Isotope Production today released its final report in prepublication form at URL Task Force was convened by TRIUMF, the University of British Columbia, and Advanced Applied Physics Solution, Inc., with support from Natural Resources Canada.
Workshops & Conferences InterAction Collaboration Meets at TRIUMF 05 November 2008 Many of the international members of the InterAction collaboration met at TRIUMF on October 30 and 31. InterAction is a collaboration among the communications experts at different physics laboratories, and the meeting reviewed lab communications and coordination strategies with different perspectives from around the world.
Current Events TRIUMF and MDS Nordion Celebrate 30 Years Together 03 November 2008 TRIUMF and MDS Nordion observed an important milestone in their partnership last week when the two organizations celebrated their 30th anniversary. Representatives from government, business, medicine, and academics gathered at TRIUMF on October 28 to recognize the important contributions that the TRIUMF-Nordion partnership has made to Canadian medical science and international health.
Current Events Record Attendance for Saturday Morning Physics Lectures 31 October 2008 On Saturday, October 25, Patrick Bruskiewich and Chris Waltham delivered lectures to a packed auditorium in which every seat was occupied by the 115 students and community members in attendance. The turnout signals an excellent beginning for the 2008-2009 Saturday Morning Lecture Series put on jointly by TRIUMF and the University of British Columbia.
Workshops & Conferences Professional Development Day for Teachers Is “Out of This World” 29 October 2008 As a joint project with the BC Association of Physics Teachers (BCAPT) and BC Science Teachers' Association (BCScTA), TRIUMF hosted “Out of This World Science” for the 4th Professional Development Day for Teachers. Secondary school science teachers spent October 24 participating in hands-on activities and listening to speakers in sessions that make physics relevant and accessible as a high school subject.
Current Events Optical Transition Radiation Detector for the T2K Experiment Complete 28 October 2008 The Optical Transition Radiation (OTR) detector for the T2K experiment is the most downstream monitor in the proton beam line at J-PARC. It was developed over the past two years by a collaboration from York University, the University of Toronto, and TRIUMF, and was successfully deployed in September and October this year.
Current Events T2K Tracker Test at TRIUMF 24 October 2008 In October, the T2K (Tokai to Kamioka) neutrino experiment began tests of the T2K near detector's tracker in TRIUMF's M11 beamline. These tests mark a major milestone for T2K, which will begin taking data in Japan in 2009.
Workshops & Conferences Task Force on Alternatives for Medical-Isotope Production 23 October 2008 With the demand for medical isotopes such as molybdenum-99 on the rise, TRIUMF is exploring the feasibility of using an accelerator-based solution to provide an alternative to the traditional methods used to create them.
Current Events Bringing Science to Students with the LHC Inauguration and Career Panel 22 October 2008 With National Science and Technology Week in full swing across Canada, and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) inauguration ceremony occurring at CERN, TRIUMF held its own celebratory event on October 21. The day was called Science on the World Stage in recognition of the international scope of the LHC as well as the global impact of science itself. The event was aimed primarily at high school students.


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