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Current Events ARPICO is 'On the Neutron Trail' 15 April 2011 The Society of Italian Researchers and Professionals in Western Canada held their inaugural event featuring Olivia Fermi, beginning their mission to build connections across Canada and with Italy.
Awards & Honours 1st CAP-TRIUMF Medal Goes to David Sinclair 14 April 2011 Carleton University physics professor and TRIUMF senior scientist David Sinclair will receive the inaugural CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal for Contributions to Subatomic Physics.
Awards & Honours Tom Ruth Wins the Michael J. Welch Award 11 April 2011 On March 31st, Dr. Thomas J. Ruth. was recognized of his contribution to the field of radiopharmaceutical sciences.
Current Events TRIUMF Measures Local Radioactivity, No Health Risks Found 08 April 2011 A TRIUMF team made precision measurements of low-level radioactivity concentrations in local  milk, rainwater, and bottled water.  Results confirmed that there are no health risks.
Current Events One Step Closer to Electron Acceleration 07 April 2011 To accelerate electrons through the e-linac, an electron "gun" is used to generate and initially steer the electrons. The TRIUMF team has achieved success at 100 keV and 10 mA, a key milestone on the way to ARIEL.
Experimental Result UK Accelerator Milestone is A World First 01 April 2011 A new accelerator technology that promises a range of applications from treating cancer to powering safer nuclear reactors has reached a world first in its development; TRIUMF is a key collaborator.
Current Events ARIEL Construction Begins 30 March 2011 On March 28, 2011, a ceremonial groundbreaking took place to commemorate the start of formal construction of the new Stores Building.
Experimental Result T2K Releases First Results 21 March 2011 T2K released a careful analysis of its first year of data concerning the properties of the elusive neutrino particle.
Current Events Twitter, Facebook, Blogs! OhMy! 18 March 2011 TRIUMF’s new endeavour – Social media – has recently taken off. In this past month, jumped feet first into this vast online world.
Workshops & Conferences Be a Physicist for the Day 17 March 2011 Students from lower mainland BC will be particpating in CERN's Masterclass on March 18, where they will analyze real data from CERN.


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