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Current Events Resources for Understanding Fukushima Crisis (updated) 13 March 2011 While TRIUMF does not have a nuclear reactor, the laboratory has identified some useful online resources for following the Fukushima crisis.
From the Director To our Japanese Friends, Families, & Collaborators 11 March 2011 All of us here at TRIUMF are saddened by the tragedy in Japan very early this morning.  We offer our deepest sympathies, condolences, and support to everyone affected.
Experimental Result Alberta Researchers Attack Neutrino Mysteries 09 March 2011 The University of Alberta and TRIUMF, along with other universities and labs, are preparing for the SNO+ experiment to study the properties of neutrinos from the sun.
Awards & Honours Vanessa Simon Recognized at 2011 WNPPC 07 March 2011 Vanessa Simon, a Ph.D. Student working at TRIUMF, was awarded 3rd prize for Best Student Presentation at the 2011 WNPPC Conference in Alberta.
Workshops & Conferences Expanding Partnerships with India 07 March 2011 A team from TRIUMF visited Kolkata, India, last week for a collaboration meeting with the VECC lab and to attend the Frontiers of Science Symposium.
Experimental Result Prime Time at the LHC 04 March 2011 In 2010, the first results were produced from the unprecendented high-energy collisions at the LHC. TRIUMF is proud to be part of this worldwide success.
Current Events Minister Goodyear Visits TRIUMF 24 February 2011 The Honourable Gary Goodyear, Federal Minister of State for Science and Technology, visited TRIUMF and AAPS on Friday, February 11, 2011.
From the Director New Leadership for TRIUMF's Science Division 22 February 2011 On February 1, 2011, Reiner Krücken joined TRIUMF's senior leadership team as the new Head of the Science Division.  Completing his success-laden career at TRIUMF, Gordon Ball is embarking on an active retirement phase that features time for research. 
Current Events TRIUMF Gets a New Injection Beam Line 16 February 2011 TRIUMF now has a bright, shiny, and new main injection line. The line is used to transport hydrogen ions from the ion source to the centre of the cyclotron. Watch the stop-motion video of the last section being lowered.
Awards & Honours PAVAC Wins Innovation Award 16 February 2011 PAVAC, a Richmond-based company that works closely with TRIUMF on accelerator technology, is the winner of the 2010 Richmond Chamber of Commerce, Innovation Award.


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