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Category Title Date Excerpt Attached Images
Current Events Selkirk College TRIUMFs in Physics Research 07 December 2010 Selkirk College in Castlegar, BC, has joined forces with TRIUMF as the first college in Canada to work with TRIUMF through a Memorandum of Understanding.
Experimental Result ATLAS Scientists catch glimpse of the Primordial Universe 26 November 2010 After less than three weeks of colliding lead ions at the highest energies ever achieved, scientists at the LHC laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland, already have brought new insight into the universe as it existed immediately after the Big Bang.
Experimental Result Qweak Experiment Starts at Jefferson Lab 26 November 2010 After more than ten years of planning and construction, the Qweak experiment at Jefferson lab is now taking data. The experiment will make a very precise measurement of the proton's `weak charge', which has a well defined value in the current standard model of physics.
Experimental Result ALPHA Collaboration captures antimatter 17 November 2010 Boldly going where the universe has not gone before, a group of international scientists at the CERN laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland have succeeded in capturing anti-matter atoms.
Current Events Japan/Canada Scientific Symposium at TRIUMF 04 November 2010 On October 25, 2010, TRIUMF hosted the second Japan/ Canada scientific symposium. It focused on potential synergies between the KEK laboratory in Japan and TRIUMF in Canada.
Workshops & Conferences BC Science Teachers' Pro-D Day at TRIUMF 01 November 2010 On Friday, October 22, 2010, 60 British Columbia high school math and science teachers visited TRIUMF for the district-wide Professional Development Day.
Current Events Scientific Attaché of Italy visits TRIUMF 21 October 2010 On Septem-ber 29th, 2010, the Scientific Attaché from Italy, Dr. Emanuele Fiore, made a visit to TRIUMF, Canada’s national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics.
Experimental Result New Record of DRAGON-ian Sensitivity 19 October 2010 TRIUMF's flagship nuclear astro physics facility known as DRAGON has set a new record for ultimate sensitivity—distinguishing between haystacks with needles in them and those without.
Current Events TRIUMF & DESY take top prizes in Global Photowalk 14 October 2010 A sunburst image of a particle detector at Germany’s DESY laboratory and a black-and-white photograph of a nuclear-physics experiment at TRIUMF in Canada have won the top prizes in the first-ever Global Particle Physics Photowalk.
Experimental Result Diamond Detector Irradiation Tests Success 13 October 2010 Particle physicists from the ATLAS groups at Carleton, Montreal, Toronto, Victoria, and TRIUMF have confirmed that diamond detectors can withstand the impact of 1017 protons per square centimetre, relevant to a future upgrade to the LHC.


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